Tacoma, WA – In mid-December, a beloved local business, Helen’s Donuts & Ice Cream, Tacoma Donut Shop faced unexpected challenges when a group of teenagers vandalized the shop, shattering its window with rocks. This unfortunate incident, which took place just before the holiday season, garnered widespread attention and showcased the strength and generosity of the Tacoma community.
Community Response and Support
Following the vandalism, local residents and businesses quickly stepped up to assist Helen’s Donuts. TN Glass and Windows, a Tacoma-based window repair company, played a significant role in the recovery effort by repairing the shop’s broken window free of charge. The repair, which would have cost the owner approximately $2,000, was fully covered by community contributions and TN Glass and Windows’ generosity.
Joshua Fairburn of TN Glass and Windows explained their motivation:
“As a local business, we wanted to pay it forward. This gave the shop owner the opportunity to focus on family and other needs during the holidays rather than worrying about repair costs.”
Gratitude and Community Impact
The owner of Helen’s Donuts expressed heartfelt gratitude for the outpouring of support, emphasizing the importance of community solidarity for small businesses. This collective effort not only repaired the physical damage but also highlighted the strong bonds within Tacoma’s community, leaving the owner feeling deeply appreciated and supported.
Ongoing Investigation
As of now, the teenagers responsible for the vandalism remain unidentified. The Tacoma Police Department is actively investigating the case and encourages anyone with information to come forward. Community members can contact the Tacoma Police with tips to help resolve the incident.
Importance of Supporting Local Businesses
Incidents like this underscore the vulnerability of small businesses and the vital role of community support in their survival. Helen’s Donuts & Ice Cream continues to serve as a cherished part of Tacoma, with the community’s backing helping it recover from adversity.
The swift response from TN Glass and Windows and Tacoma residents demonstrates the power of community in overcoming challenges. For Helen’s Donuts, this act of kindness has turned a distressing event into a testament to the strength of local unity.
If you have information regarding the vandalism, please contact the Tacoma Police Department.
Source : fox13 news